Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Well, it’s about time I made the news official…by official I mean putting it out here on the interwebs for all to see of course.
Plane tickets are purchased, apartment search is underway and we’ve mailed out our first box of personal items. It’s really happening! Date of arrival in our new home: October 18th!
This was the spot I sat in 6 years ago and asked Nick, “When are we moving here?” It was the first morning of my second trip to my in-law’s home. For those of you who don’t know, Nick’s parents are missionaries in Italy so it’s home for him. His parents and sister’s family still live there. It was hot and humid and I’d just spent the previous day and a half traveling and fighting jet lag with a 12 week old baby, but I wanted to stay forever.
Moving to Italy has always been an idea Nick and I tossed around. The “someday we’ll live in Italy” conversation has popped up over the years. A few months ago the conversation got more serious. We realized with Nick’s blogging and the online business he purchased last year we could live abroad. We also decided it’s better to go when our girls are young rather than wait until later in our lives.
These conversations along with changes in my heart and dreams I’ve been dreaming over the past few years led us to go for it.
Let’s talk about those dreams….for those of you who like to hear the background kind of stuff.
(that picture is also from the same trip where we dreamed of living in Italy)
When I turned 30, my relationship with the Lord changed. Things I’d been taught all my life started to take on new meaning and my faith grew and shifted. Then I started reading all the books and they spoke to my heart – living a simple and intentional life surround by community while giving and serving generously. I started down a path to minimalist living and dreamed about tiny houses. I wanted to sell everything and move far away on an adventure. I started researching all the places. Where could we move? Where would we live? Where would God lead us? I felt for sure he was putting a big move in my heart, a new place and a new way to serve him and others.
I knew we’d have adventure and change when I started back to work full time again, but there was still something in me that knew a BIG move would come. I just needed to be content where I was and wait. Eventually I’d have some direction, right?
Right. I remember when I was praying (for the 100 billionth time) about where we would go and I felt like it was Italy. (I was really hoping for Seattle, San Francisco or New York) But that little voice that speaks to your heart – it felt like it “said” Italy. You know my response? Italy? No! I can’t go that far and learn a new language. And I can’t ship my favorite Le Cruset pans that far. Seriously. Those were my thoughts. How ridiculous. But that’s usually how things go for me and God. I like to say no and try to fight it. You’d think by now I’d have learned to just go for it and trust him the first time around.
A few months later, my in laws asked if I’d help recruit interns for them at my work’s intern fair. I talked to my mother in law on the phone about the program and as she explained how it worked I got teary and emotional. There was that little voice in my heart again saying This is it. Italy. Nick couldn’t believe I was the one wanting to make the move there. Since it’s home for him it’s an easier move – I was the one who needed the convincing and a lot of “signs” leading up to clear direction. The Lord totally knew that.
We’re not going as missionaries. We’re not raising support money. Mostly because we’re able to support ourselves, but also because don’t know exactly what our roles will be there. We know we’ll help in the church in some capacity. I’d love to work with the intern program – my dream is actually to host the interns in my home one day.
We’re still deciding if we’ll homeschool our girls or send them to Italian school. At first they’ll stay with me while we adjust, but we know they’ll learn the language faster in school. I’ll be learning the language too. My 6 years of Spanish are both helpful and confusing me while I learn with Doulingo. Currently my home is labeled with post-its and I keep asking Nick lots of questions.
I have so many more things I could blog about, but I’m going to try to spread out the prepping and planning posts over the next few months. For now though, there are some things you could pray for us about as we gear up for the big move:
For an apartment. We’ve found one we love, but don’t know if we’ll get it. We also God will provide a great one for us, even if it’s not this one.
That we can sell all the things – cars, furniture, decor…most everything is going.
That we find great renters for our home.
For us and the girls as we say goodbye to friends and family.
That our things to make it safely in the mail and in our luggage.
That we make new friends and learn the language quickly when we arrive.
For direction about where to get involved and serve once we’re there.
You can also spread the word that we’re moving – help us find renters and sell our things. I’ll be putting up a list of items for sale here on the blog so I don’t clog the Facebook feed with “buy our stuff!” posts and photos constantly. I’ll link to it on occasion from FB, but please share the link with friends and family members – especially those newly married or moving out on their own for the first time who need furniture, dishes etc.
We’re excited to finally share the news publicly, and I hope you’ll follow along on our exciting journey. And of course you’re welcome to come visit. We hoping for an apartment with room for guests!
We would love to follow your adventure. God Bless and Guide you every step of the way.