Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Somewhere in my teenage years, I made a highly intelligent observation….
Some people’s wardrobes get stuck in a particular decade.
I’m sure I’m not the only one on earth brilliant enough to figure this out, but that observation made enough of an impression on me that I swore I’d never get stuck. I would not become like the grandpa who still wore polyester bell bottoms. Since then I’ve made sure to keep up to date. Not necessarily with the ALL the latest trends and fashions – I keep it age appropriate of course.
But I did get stuck in another area of my life.
Part of this I blame on being a mom. I mainly listen to Kidz Bop and the Okee Dokee Brothers in the car. Or classical music so I can think (Mariah calls it ballerina music and will request it). I turn on the top 40 station and some variety stations now and then to save my sanity. I’ve also been turning on the Christian radio station more often too now that my heart has changed.
I watch the Grammy’s every year and know a handful of the popular songs I suppose. Usually it’s during that time when I discover who sings the songs I’ve been hearing.
Honestly I’m stuck somewhere between the years of 2000 and 2006. Especially in the Christian music world.
You see, I grew up listening to Contemporary Christian Music. Amy Grant, Point of Grace, Out of Eden etc. I branched out a bit into the “Alternative” Christian world with Newsboys and Third Day, and made another step out to Christian Hip Hop/Rap with GRITS, t-bone and Knowdaverbs. (oh man, just writing that makes me laugh)
Then I went to a Christian university where the musicians were incredible and they wrote a bit of their own music too. I stopped listening to Christian music completely during that time – other than chapel services of course. Sidenote: I thought my school worship bands wrote most of Hillsong’s music. I’d go to church and we’d sing a song from chapel and I was so proud of my school. Then someone would fill me in and I’d feel stupid – and like a bad Christian for not knowing what was on the Christian radio station.
So now here I am, actually wanting to listen to “Jesus Music”, as we call it in our house, once again.
But I’m stuck.
Would you help me?
I love Shane and Shane. I recently found Rend Collective Experiment (video below). I’ve been told to give Gungor a try too. Any other suggestions?
I’ll also take suggestions for non-Jesus Music too of course!
I leave you with my most favorite song I’ve found so far. I could play it over and over and never get tired of it. Such a powerful message and it’s one of those songs that moves me every. single. time.
I guess, according to this video, I shouldn’t worry about my clothes getting stuck….the trend these days if vintage. Go figure.
Oh my… So much I like right now. The passion CDs are great! Sidewalk prophets latest cd is fantastic, also like hillsong, rend collective, Kari jobe…