Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
I LOVE learning. Seriously. It’s probably why I have a hard time reading fiction…I want to take away something practical or discover something new each time I read. I get excited reading the community education catalog and wish I could still be in school. Yeah, it’s true.
So today I’m linking up with Emily at Chatting at the Sky to shared what I learned this month. Below is a list of random things I learned. Some serious, some not so much.
1. OPI’s Berlin There Done That lasts the FOREVER on my nails. As I’m typing this we’re going on 5 days with only teeny tiny hardly noticeable little chips. Or maybe it’s just lasted because I haven’t washed my hair in 4 days. (Don’t worry, I’ve showered…with a shower cap)
2. I’m afraid to get old. Nick and I watched a Frontline special about assisted living and it brought out this fear in me. I’m not so worried about being sent to an understaffed care facility that can’t meet my needs and will cause my death like the special wanted me to be scared of. I’m simply worried about that stage of my life. I guess I’ve never thought about it before. Getting old, needing to depend on others for everything, and maybe not remembering my own family. Whew. Scary stuff. I’m glad I have plenty of time to prepare. Hopefully I don’t think about it too much and just live my life to the fullest each day.
3. Canaries can live 15-25 years and cost $150. No wonder Maggie was so worried about finding Goldie.
4. 32 hours away from the every day routine can make a world of difference. This honestly has been one of the bests months for me in a long time. I’ve had hard days and rough moments, but they’ve been short lived. I even made it through a weekend without Nick and didn’t have a breakdown. For me, it’s a big deal.
5. A slice of cheese pizza at Costco is 700 calories! What?! Thanks MyFitnessPal. I think I’d rather live in denial about what I’m eating.
Check out what some other sweet ladies learned this month.
Oh wow, 700 calories? Sheesh. I’m going to try to forget that one. And the getting old thing? I’m right there with you, worrying about it way too much lately. As my mother in law says, “It’s better than the alternative, not being here at all.” Lovely to meet you through Emily’s link up.
Hi Rachel!
I know what you mean about aging and death.
Have you read Mudhouse Sabbath by Lauren Winner? There are a few chapters in it that really spoke to me. It might be another good voice to add to the conversation in your head. :)
Hi Cara! I’ll have to check out that book…the more learning the better :)