Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
I’ll be honest, I’m not one to watch videos on blogs or “vlogs” as I guess they’re called. I’d rather read than watch someone talk to me from their chair. I also don’t watch videos often because my girls come running to my phone to watch even if they were in the middle of some serious playtime. I love that Facebook and Instagram let me watch videos without sound. Genius.
But I digress.
Today I dusted off our selfie stick and made a video of myself. Not sitting at a desk for heaven’s sake – I’m showing you our kitchen.
I know friends and family are interested in what our house looks like, so here’s the first look.
This is the third configuration we’ve had in the kitchen and it seems to be the one that works the best for us right now.
As I mention in the video, we paired down a lot for our move and we’re keeping our kitchen pretty minimalistic. You see all the things in the video. No mixer, no electric gadgets other than a toaster and microwave. I really love the simplicity.
Our kitchen is tiny, but it works for us. My only complaint is lack of counter space for prep work.
Without further ado, here’s the video. Please excuse my giant nose creeping in the corner for some shots. Like I said, new at the video deal. Gosh it’s hard to watch yourself in a video. Especially when you forget what things are called. Can I blame my Italian lessons draining all my brain power?
I kept it short and sweet, but feel free to comment with questions if you’d like to know more about what’s in the kitchen.