Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Yeah, you read that right. Instagram. The social medias changed my faith and relationship with God. How crazy is that?
The story goes like this…
In April of 2013 I found a hashtag #mth2013 – “Making Things Happen 2013”. This led me to finding Lara Casey’s blog and walking through some of her goal setting posts. Because goal setting is my jam. One line hit me: “Time with God is never unproductive. What is unproductive is when you try to do everything on your own. That leads you in circles.” As a perfectionist who needed control, that line began a big change in my relationship with God.
From others who posted using #mth2013 I came across more hashtags and users who taught me how to study the bible. Then I found so many books to read. I followed the authors on their blogs and Instagram. I’d see who else they followed….. it just . kept . going.
Recently I’ve discovered the world of podcasts. Yes, I realize I’m late to this game. I’m not sure why. Learning is also my jam. Sidenote: I’d also like to mention this has changed my laundry hanging and folding time – I don’t dread doing the chore anymore…it means learning time!
Podcasts. More growth from the social medias and interwebs.
I mean, in the beginning it was really perfect for an introverted stay at home mom, then working mom who felt pretty lonely and stressed out. Community. Online. Hallelujer. And it’s been exactly what I needed living half a world away, not speaking the language and sorting through my faith as I stepped into a new church environment.
All that to say, let me share some of the goodness I’ve found in case you’d be interested in growing your faith and learning from the world wide web. It’s not all big, bad and scary out there.
Jennie Allen – Her book Restless was one of the only physical copies of a book I brought with me to Italy it was that good.
Sara Bessy – Her book Out of Sorts was so good for my soul
Jen Hatmaker – Her book 7 started me on my minimalist journey
Emily P Freeman – Another author… A Million Little Ways is a book I’ve read twice – that’s rare for me
Podcasts (in order of preference):
Lead Stories – These ladies are Twin Cities pastors and I’m so bummed I found them after I’d moved!
Nomad – Based in the UK. They interview all kinds of people to talk about their faith. My most recent favorite was this one about diversity within the Christian faith.
RePlacing Church – Some interesting new thinking about the church as an institution
The RobCast – Yes. Yes I do listen to Rob Bell.