Where I’ve landed: Thoughts on Unconditional Parenting
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
So remember how I was running? Yeah. I still do that sometimes. I took a whole month off because my hipthigh (sure, technical term) was doing something funky. I’ve only been running 15 minutes lately when I can get the motivation to move my butt. Or my other hipthigh isn’t in pain. That’s maybe once a week.
But I should get my booty in gear because I signed up for a race.
Yeah. That’s right. A RACE. A 5k to be exact.
What’s that? A 5k race isn’t a big deal?
Well keep in mind I recently ran a mile for the first time.
And then this post got me in trouble. It’s the one where I said I had no desire to run a race. It’s also the one where I said I’d run a race if it was like a dance party. Music blaring, flash mob like scenes etc.
No more than 2 days passed after I published that post did THIS video show up in my Facebook feed. Darn you ads.
A dance party race. I said it. I had to sign up.
I asked my neighbor – who’s also a former dancer turned runner – and asked if she’d do it with me. She was in. Sweet. While I don’t really want anyone to see me run, I figured it’d be better to have a friend along for the party run.
And then Nick wanted to do it. And then my neighbor’s husband. And another friend and her husband too.
We now have a group.
What did I get into?
Not only will there be 5 people I know doing this with me, they’ve all run before – I’m not talking 5k’s…I’m talking 10 mile races, half marathons and MARATHONS!
Lord help me!
This morning it hit me, I have about 3 months until I run this thing. I need to get my booty moving for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Or not.
It’s technically a run/walk. They’ll all be cruising along ahead of me and I’ll just shake my groove thang like the lady at the gym who prancercises around the track.
I kid. Well, not about the dancing, I really do want to accomplish this goal. And what a better way to do it, than with my hubby and a few friends during a dance party.
So wish me luck in my training. And if you want to join me – you can still sign up HERE.
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