2014 Goals: Rooted

I LOVE New Year’s. LOVE.

Fresh starts, reflecting, dreaming, planning. It makes my heart so happy.

Once upon a time I taught a college class that focused on goal setting, and every semester I got a fresh start with new lessons and new students.  It was the perfect job for me because I seriously love this stuff.

On New Year’s Eve, I took some time away to sip on hot chocolate in the Barnes and Noble Starbucks and fill my journal.  I walked through Lara Casey’s 2014 Goal Setting series, which I’d say is perhaps more vision casting, but I love her approach.  I’ve read a lot, and I mean A LOT about goal setting in my life, and often I end up making goals so specific and ones that require so much perfection, that I beat myself up in the end.  Lara’s method helps you get to the “why” and the meaning behind your goals before making monthly or weekly goals. I set goals this way last year around my birthday and ended up with a fantastic year.

2014 goal setting

Speaking of a fantastic year, let me pause here to say it was maybe one of my best years yet.  Honestly.  I finally got out from under the dark cloud I’d been in throughout my 20’s and entered into a life of contentment and gratefulness.

Because the year was so wonderful and fulfilling, I wasn’t sure what I should hope for in 2014.  After walking through Lara’s steps, I chose a word for this year:  Rooted.

rooted 2014 goals

It means a few things for me…

A strong foundation: I have some changes coming my way this year and I want to be strong and rooted so when those winds of change blow, I’m not ripped out of the ground and left dead and dry.

Soak in life-giving nutrients: My roots and foundation are in Christ, so I want know him more this year, dig deep into his word and be refreshed in his presence.

Deep relationships:  I focused on myself a lot last year, getting my life back.  This year, I want to focus on my marriage, family and friendships.  I want more than surface level friendships and time with my husband and daughters.  I want meaningful, life giving relationships.

My verse for the year is Colossians 2:6-7

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.



Each month I’ll set specific goals that line up with my vision. For now, I’m looking forward to growing a deep foundation this year.



Do you choose a word or a verse or a song for the year?  What goals do you have?


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